Story Snapper

As the sun caresses the dew-kissed blades of grass, I see your shining smile.

As the bonnie blue sky arches protectively overhead, I see your kind eyes.

As the thin branches delicately weave around bare trunks, I see your graceful, golden curls.

As the light bounces off the water pooled beneath a sprawling tree, I see your sparkling hair trinkets.

As the leaves scatter underfoot, hues of violets, auburns, and ruby reds, I see your cheerful wardrobe.

As the wind whispers sweet memories of endless conversations, I hear your gentle voice.

As the sweet aroma of flowers fills the air, I smell your deliciously baked cakes.

As the weathered farm gate creaks open, I feel the warmth of your presence known to so many.

As the harmonious symphony of nature plays all around, every instrument, every note, and every beat mirrors the beauty that was uniquely you.

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7 Responses

  1. What a very special tribute to a very special lady. You have captured a beautiful woman with memories to treasure, which I expect was difficult to write! Well done for creating this in honour of Alison.

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